One of the YahooGroups that I'm a member of does an Integrity Day once a month and I participated last week. I love this idea! You post your To-Do list, then check in at noon, then again around four or five to update your progress.
I am always a big fan of posting your junk out in the open so that even if no one on the planet knows it's out there, theoretically, you've put the word out that you are accountable for something. Just having that little twinge in the back of my mind is often the push I need to get things done or work just a bit harder on those things that I've been putting off.
It applies to more than just work, too. I started a blog with a girlfriend a couple of years ago when we started training for our first triathlon. We both wanted a way to track our progress and to see what the other one was doing without having to call each other all the time. It was an online diary where I kept track of my weight, what I ate and how much I trained. I knew my friend was checking it and a couple of my other friends knew as well, so I kept up with it and it did keep me in check, knowing that other people were reading it. It wasn't anything earth-shattering (do you really care how much cottage cheese I eat?), but it helped me lose almost 40 pounds and not only did I do the triathlon - I ran a bunch of races including a half-marathon. Go figure.
We abandoned it about a year ago, but I still think about how much that helped me accomplish what I wanted to accomplish.
What do you think?
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