Friday, June 1, 2007

I know, I know - my show is late...

but I have a really good excuse!

I've been working on my website and I love my new banner - anyone care to let me know what they think?

You all know that I am a big fan of Kelly McCausey, so when I was reading her blog earlier this week she mentioned Etsy. Cool, cool site. I hadn't heard of it before, but for those of you that are looking for a place to showcase your stuff, Etsy may be the venue for you. I personally love the geekery section as I am coveting this and this and this.

I found my new banner here, too. Summer from ChocolateBoxDesigns was offering it for the very reasonable price of $10.50. I saw it and knew I had to have it. Thank you, Summer - the transaction went off without a hitch, it was easy to add to my existing site and I just love it.

So instead of doing my podcast, I added my new stuff to the website, which includes this brand spankin' new blog. Couple that with client work, kids first day of summer break and a husband breezing in for a day or two before another week on the road, life is hectic.

I will be bringing you the show as planned next week and the topic is (go figure) communicating effectively in the virtual world. You know what's worse than bad news - NO NEWS! I'm going to talk about how to successfully let your clients and contemporaries know you're serious over there in your home office.

I'll see you soon!

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